Friday, October 22, 2010

FBI Stung (80) Politicians with Bribery Past (5) Years

Sex, lies, and video tape seem to go hand and hand with politicians these days. In the past (5) years the FBI has successfully bribed over (80) state lawmakers in several stings across the US. In California, a state lawmaker was caught bragging about how he shagged a lobbyist the whole week. What happened to ethics? The ethics panel that is supposed to be investigating this type of unethical activity was actually caught golfing with corporate lobbyist, by student journalist. In Tennessee, 'Operation Tennessee Waltz,' netted (5) of the states leading politicians. The Tennessee lawmakers excepted envelopes full of cash. One lawmaker, caught on video, was seen stuffing wads of cash into her bra. REP.Van Pelt, New Jersey, took a bribe from an FBI investigator posing as a land developer but said he didn't really mean to do it. The lawmaker said, 'It happened so fast I didn't have time to think about it. I don't have a criminal mindset.' In some states lobbyist can't even give a cup of coffee to lawmakers, which is how it should be. But in Alabama, bribery is like nature and you see it everywhere, a lobbyist can legally give any politician $250 a day, which totals $90,000 year.