Friday, October 22, 2010

Republicans Support $60Billion Tax Breaks

If you decide, not to pay your income tax, what happens? YOU GO TO JAIL. You don't pass go and you don't collect $200. Ask, Wesley Snipes, what happened to him when he decided not to pay his income tax. If corporations launder income earned overseas, what happens? THEY GET A PAT ON THE BACK. It has been legal for corporations to do this for several years since the creation of George Bush's and Dick Chaney's personal army full of mercenaries; Blackwater. They were the first to use the tax loopholes. Microsoft. Facebook. Google. And countless other global corporations, operating across a wide range of industries, are taking full advantage of corporate income tax loop holes. And they gladly jump at the chance to increase profits using these tax loopholes. They are laundering billions of dollars earned from all over the world through Cayman and Bermuda Islands. These are the same tax cuts that republicans want to make sure stay in full effect. How many jobs could this tax money help create? Considering Google's motto is, "Don't be greedy," Oops, I mean "Don't be Evil," maybe they should give back or donate the $3Billion in profit they made off these republican sponsored tax breaks, that Sean Hannity and all the other FOX news reporters keep touting and claiming that we need.

monopoly go to jail card

Read more >> Google 2.4% Rate Shows How $60 Billion Lost to Tax Loopholes