Sunday, October 17, 2010

22K Gold Herbal Liqueur Has Mystical Properties

The name of this herbal liqueur is "Danziger Goldwasser." It has been produced since 1598 in the free city of Danzig. It is a strong root and herbal liqueur with 40% ABV. There are small flakes of 22 karat gold inside it. In 1598 the mystic of alchemy was at its height and gold was believed to have many desirable medical properties at that time. So they thought that the gold would make the effect of the herbs and roots much stronger. In 1922 an second factory was opened in Berlin. After 1945, when Danzig became part of Poland (Gdansk) only the Berlin factory was allowed to produce genuine Danziger Goldwasser, because only in Berlin the original recipe is used.

24k gold herbal alcohol