Saturday, November 27, 2010

FBI Supplied the Bomb for the Terrorist in Oregon

oregon terrorist
If this is not proof that the U. S. government sponsors terrorism on it's own soil then I just don't know what is. This is the, show me proof, that everyone needs. Do you actually think your government can protect you? That is like saying the TSA can stop hijackers with superman screening and pat downs that molest. This is so insane I'm pulling my hair out. It's not gonna happen. The terrorist don't need to smuggle anything to hijack a plane. Notice I used the word smuggle. Cause that's what they are looking for, smugglers. They are using the terrorist excuse to take away our 4th amendment, that guarantees that warrant-less search and seizures are against the law no matter what government agency they are. Certain circumstances do not qualify anytime. There is no such thing as probable cause inside the 4th amendment. The constitution is the true law of the land and all laws are based by them.

F.B.I. Trained the Oregon Terrorist for 18 Months

Why is the F.B.I. encouraging would-be terrorist's?