Sunday, June 30, 2013

John McCain, posterboy and number one congressional lobbyist for the military industrial complex never likes his budget being in danger

The politician with the strongest ties to the military shows just how greedy the military industrial complex leaders are, over the fact that their budget is being talked about getting cut. The ball hasn't even started rolling and the first answer they always give is no, don't do it, even though we have one of the biggest nuclear stockpiles in the world. Right along with the most powerful NAVY ever seen on the face of this planet.


Anonymous said...

While protesting $500 billion sequestration cuts to the Defense Department in a Tampa, Fla. town hall, Sen. John McCain tells Florida Watchdog that he remains vigilant in combating what he calls the "Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex." []

Concerning these comments, Florida Watchdog questioned McCain on why his attitude had changed on the connection between military contractors and the Defense Department, whom he was defending at the town hall.

Transcript below:

FW: Sen. McCain, in times during your career, you've talked a great deal about the Military-Industrial-Complex----

McCain: Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex, yeah.

FW: You mentioned it in a Senate floor speech on Dec 15 2011. Why is it that you're not running on this theme now?

McCain: I go to the floor every week or two, I fought for hearings and I've attacked over legislative leaders. I fight it everyday.

FW: Do you believe that with all the hands that have in on the budget now--and that are threatened by sequestration--they're going get upset and use their influence to stop it? That's what you've been warning about, right?

McCain: What I've been warning about is a program like the F-35 has turned into a trillion dollar weapon system. It should have never happened.

McCain: But as you said, members of Congress have the incentive to continue that.

**Recorded at Center for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation in Tampa, FL on July 30, 2012**

Accompanied article: