Sunday, October 17, 2010

Don't let FOX NEWS confuse you with false truths!

FOX NEWS reporters receive a print out each day from Rupert Murdoch, telling them what topics to discuss and what topics to stay away from. Bank lobbyist protect the revenue for wall street banks. Lousy mortgages only benefit republicans and rich people with lots of power. The only thing Agenda 21 entails is global warming rules and regulations that requires all countries in the UN to adopt a much better greenhouse gas emissions plan, there is no conspiracy there, or anything that has to do with socialism. Spitting FOX news bullshit without actually reading and comprehending it for yourself does not make you look smart. Global warming is real. The polar Ice caps and Glaciers are melting at extreme rates, why don't you Google that. Saying communism and socialism are the same thing is like saying an apple and orange are the same. Sure their fruit. But they each have there own differences. Socialism is more like democracy then it is like communism. Democracy was built on "social" beliefs. A truly socialist society believes in a free market capitalist economy, like Germany has. Bailing out failing corporations is a direct example of corporatism. The president is still limited by what he can do because congress makes it hard for him to wave his magic wand. The president can't just pass laws without congress approval. The president can't use tax payer money to pay for bailouts without congress passing bills that say so. The president is just the guy that takes all the blame for everything because most people think the President is a Dictator. Wake up! It's the career politicians that are ruining the country. The bailout money is not gone, the failing corporations paid most of it back already, WTH is FOX news talking about? Everyone knows that the bailout money was not traceable, by design. Congress don't want the tax payers knowing it went into their pockets. You have to look at the bigger picture man. Congress is controlled and lobbied by not just Fanni Mae and Freddie big Mac. They are lobbied by all major corporations. There's an Ebb and Flow to everything. And this is the part where the US starts to ebb back on it's big business.

Watch more about what I'm talking about: