Thursday, October 07, 2010

What happened to the Reform Party?

ross perot

RPUSA was founded in 1996 by Ross Perot with the help of disillusioned democrats, republicans, and liberals who were fed up with the corrupt and lazy American politicians and also desired a viable alternative to the Republican and Democratic Parties. The party has nominated candidates like Ross Perot, conservatives like Pat Buchanan, and liberals like Ralph Nader. As Jackie Salit noted in the Christian Science Monitor: "At its founding meeting in Kansas City in 1997, the 40 black delegates in the room, led by the country’s foremost African-American independent – Lenora Fulani – represented the first time in US history that African-Americans were present at the founding of a major national political party." According to the League of Women Voters, Reform Party candidates obtained more votes nationwide in 1998 than did any other third party in America. They also took in more votes than all other third parties in the United States combined, establishing the Reform Party as America's third largest party. This was a particularly impressive feat when one considers that none of Perot's money, influence or organization was involved in any of the candidacies. The party was operating entirely on its own resources, and had in fact run fewer candidates with less money than the next most-popular party, the Libertarians.