Monday, October 04, 2010

Obama is to hostile for companies to hire or invest

Investment guru, Byron Wien, attends two lunches in the Hampton's every summer with a select group of billionaires and millionaires, who talk mainly about where the best place is to invest their money. Topping the list were vacant office buildings, farmland and Africa. Companies and entrepreneurs didn’t want to hire because of uncertain health-care costs and taxes. Wall Street doesn’t like the new regulations. The government has too much debt and the stimulus didn’t work. Our education system is broken, thanks largely to the teacher unions. And, good people don’t go into government anymore. Washington is paralyzed by gridlock. Mr. Wien writes in his market commentary that: "The group (of billionaires) was gloomy on the outlook despite the comfort of the surroundings. They saw the United States in a long-term slow growth environment with the near-term risk of recession quite real. The Obama administration was viewed as hostile to business and that discouraged both hiring and investment."