Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Joy Behar to Sharon Angle 'Go to Hell Bitch'

Nevada Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle released this attack ad on Harry Reid. But is it really an attack ad? Do illegals deserve social security benefits? Why don't we just sign up the whole world then. Our current social security system can hardly work as it is thanks to dysfunctional, jump on the band wagon politicians, like Harry Reid. But then again there really is no difference between a democrat or a republican. The only thing that matters is which gang you belong too. At least 90% of Americans want tougher immigrant laws. Over 90% of Americans also want the illegals to go home. The illegal immigrant problem is not happening in just the US. All of Europe, Russia, and the middle east have the same problems with illegals taking all the jobs at lower pay. College graduates with diplomas in hand are standing in line for jobs that illegals are occupying. Every time you turn around you hear about a bank being closed, how will all these bankers and tellers find work? So much for health care reform, Janitors are showing up with Ph-D's in alarming numbers. Jobs are being outsourced by major corporations at alarming rates just to put a few bucks in their shareholders pockets. If Joy Behar wants the illegals to be left alone, maybe we should start deporting them all to New York. Lets see how much New Yorkers can put up with..