Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rand Paul Supporters Subdue Protester

Her plan was clear. Humiliate Rand Paul at all cost. She was the one causing the ruckus. What usually happens to protesters at political debates? They get stomped on by police for acting like fools. What kind of result was she hoping for? I think she got off lightly considering what has happened to other conservative protesters, like that guy who was made famous for saying, 'Dude, don't taze me bro..' These people have to learn that the only way they can change stuff is by changing the mind set of the voters. Making yourself look like a fool, like they are doing, by holding protest at political rallies or debates does not work. The only thing it does, successfully, is get you sent to jail for causing a public disturbance. Which is where that, obviously gay, liberal was headed. Watch as she tries to charge past Rand Paul Supporters. Who stopped her. One of the Rand Paul supporters did put his foot on her back but he did not stomp her. And the supporter that was putting his foot on her back was quickly told to stop by one of the other supporters before he did any real damage. The fact that she is a woman does not matter. She was being subdued plain and simple. Don't let the media placate you with false truths on this one. You have your own two eyes. The woman was charging at Rand Paul with a wig on. Smiling the whole time she was being tackled.