Saturday, November 06, 2010

Hedge Fund Manager in Colorado Calls in a Favor

vail, colorado

Martin Joel Erzinger, a director in private wealth management at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in Denver called in a favor from the local Colorado oligarchy and politicians, who he manages more than $1 billion in assets for. This includes ultra high net worth individuals, their families, and foundations. Erzinger, 52, was arrested for hit and run and will not face felony charges stemming from a hit-and-run because it could jeopardize his job, according to a fax he received from local prosecutors, instead he will receive two misdemeanor traffic charges stemming from a July 3 incident when he allegedly hit bicyclist Dr. Steven Milo from behind then sped away, according to court documents. Milo, 34, is a physician living in New York City with his wife and two children, where he is still recovering from his injuries, court records show. Erzinger fled the scene and was arrested later, police say. Erzinger drove all the way through Avon, Colorado, and stopped in a Pizza Hut parking lot where he called for auto assistance service to report damage to his vehicle, and asked that his car be towed, records show. Which means he was trying to get an insurance claim for the damage he caused to his Mercedes. Dr. Milo, the victim of the hit and run, suffered spinal cord injuries, bleeding from his brain, and damage to his knee and scapula. According to court documents. Over the past six weeks he has also suffered "disabling" spinal headaches and faces multiple surgeries for a herniated disc and plastic surgery to fix the scars he suffered in the accident. Milo wrote in a letter to District Attorney Mark Hurlbert that the case "has always been about responsibility, not money." "Mr. Erzinger struck me, fled, and left me for dead on the highway," Milo wrote. "Neither his financial prominence nor my financial situation should be factors in your prosecution of this case." D.A. Hurlbert said, this case is about the money." "The money has never been a priority for them. It is for us," D.A. Hurlbert said. "Justice in this case includes restitution and the ability to pay it." D.A. Hurlbert said Erzinger is willing to take responsibility and pay restitution. "Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it," D.A. Hurlbert said. "When you're talking about restitution, you don't want to take away his ability to pay." "We have talked with Mr. Haddon and we had their objections, but ultimately it's our call," D.A. Hurlbert said. Dropping the felony charge is not a revelation, D.A. Hurlbert said. "We had been talking with them about this misdemeanor disposition for a while now," D.A. Hurlbert said. "The misdemeanor charges really are what he did." What do you think? Should this dirt bag be put in jail, just like you or me would? Or should he get special privileges because he knows rich and powerful people? What about the D.A. in charge of the case?