Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2012 GOP Primaries Held on Fox News?

All of FOX news should have a warning label, that says, "Warning!! This is propaganda for the GOP and can make you think or do crazy shit..." They went live, before the rest of the electoral votes were made and announced that Bush won even though Al Gore had the popular vote. Which forced the hand of the rest of the electoral voters to vote for Bush. FOX needs to be told to shut the fuck up about who won until after all counts are made. Reporting false news or news before it happens should have mandatory warning labels applied. We need to use the Republican tricks against them. Like Republicans think video games warp kids minds into doing bad things, so they are required to have a warning label. Having a president like Bush take office over something like this proves the point of the electoral discussion that CNN did recently, follow the link to the video in the bottom.

Watch the video here, CNN are bitches about embedding their shit. Which makes no sense. Think of all the revenue their losing from Google ads. By not letting their videos embed on other websites, which would be somewhere around several hundred thousand US dollars.
