Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why is Americas Economy Suffering?

Internet alone has got to be one of the most underrated contributing factors of Americas current weak economy. And I'm going to list a few other contributing factors that also play a huge role.

1). Job out-sourcing. Quit outsourcing all our jobs to Malaysia. The dollar store computer chips, are just not cutting it. : )

2). If they want the technology that we have they have to pay for it. Quit sharing our technological secrets and make sure we don't let them know about the George Foreman Grill. : )

3). E-bay has determined the "going price" for every item (even collector items) and has made it even easier to pick things up for cheaper then your local store or collectors shop. Why would anyone pay top dollar for something they could get for ten times less from a pawn shop broker who just bought it off some junkie who stole it for money on his next fix..

4). "Hello..." our software, music and movies are being pirated everyday by foreigners that would have to buy it if they didn't get it from the net for free...