Monday, October 04, 2010

Drinking alcohol makes you look dumb but it really makes you smarter

Several new studies weigh the benefits of alcohol consumption. One study, conducted a total of five different experiments. And had people judge photographs of others holding an alcoholic drink, a non-alcoholic one or nothing. Another experiment tested how persuasive a speech would be if the audience knew the speaker was drinking alcohol or something nonalcoholic. In both cases, alcohol dimmed the perceived intelligence of the people holding the drinks. The most damning and universally applicable finding, however, came from the experiment that melded alcohol and job-seeking. Let's say a potential employer takes you, the potential employee, to dinner. The study shows that when you order a glass of wine or a beer, the employer views you as less desirable -- even if the employer orders a drink as well. While, a study out of Norway has found that moderate drinking actually improves your cognitive functions, the mental processes by which knowledge is acquired. These include perception, reasoning, acts of creativity, problem-solving and possible intuition.. The study reports that especially for women, those who didn't drink at all usually had lower cognitive abilities than those who did. Interestingly enough, the study's press release notes that in the last three decades over 60 studies have been conducted to test how moderate alcohol consumption effects cognitive ability. Most of the studies show there are definite benefits to drinking within reason. Just do it without no one looking.