Sunday, May 01, 2011

NATO and Norway murder Gaddafi's son and (3) grandkids; Norway earns billions from conflict

Gaddafi's youngest son 'killed in NATO air strike'

Three of Gaddafi's Grand Children Killed by The New World Order for Oil; All Under 12 Years Old 

Reaction to Gaddafi's son and grand children murdered by NATO/ Norway

Norway ‘earns $4 Billion from Libya conflict’
When the missions began in Libya and oil exports from the country ceased, oil prices increased by around NOK 106 (USD 20) per barrel, and Norway has since then sold roughly 1.67 million barrels of cr udeoil, along with 1.79 million barrels of dry gas and 530,000 barrells of liquid gas. If 85 percent of the earnings from these sales come into the government budget as expected, the country has therefore earned around NOK 300 million (nearly USD 57 million) per day and total earnings of about NOK 21 billion (almost USD 4 billion), according to estimates by newspaper Aftenposten.