Saturday, January 15, 2011

High Tech Border Fence is a Bust

The Obama administration ended a high-tech border fence project. Experts say the project did little to improve security. When you look at the fence you have to ask, what's the main purpose? To keep illegals out and from filling the void of available jobs that little Tommy or little Suzie refuse to do? How else are we gonna compete with the global job market? How many of you hillbillies are gonna be out in the fields picking the fruits and salads? What about the plethora of restaurant jobs available? Yes, tons of illegal drugs are backpacked in across the border but alot more of it is hiding inside the cargo of big rigs, that's the only way they can keep up with the supply and demand. They need to be trucking it in -- just like everyday normal products that you buy. We definitely have jobs that need to be filled by these types of workers, you can't deny that. The workers don't have to live where the jobs are. Farms need to be near the borders for better access to workers. What they need is more worker programs and buses that bring them over and take them back every day. Education and information. Show them that the jobs can come to them. And I'm not referring to NAFTA. NAFTA is a huge failure because it sends most of our good jobs over to Mexico, and is one of the major contributing factors for the U. S. recession. I'm talking about putting jobs on the actual border. Once you change their mindset you solve the problem that were having with an overly populated public school system and endless welfare states. More factories need to be built on our side of the border in cities like Tijuana and Nogales. You can't deny that most of the good factory jobs are now down in Mexico but what kind of American would it take to go down to Mexico to actually look for work? This is what happens when you have bad management running the show. We need fruits and salads in our diets, I'm not going to go out and pick them on a daily basis for you..