Saturday, December 04, 2010

Warrant for Julian Assange is for Unprotected Sex

Swedish law is looking more and more totalitarian every day. The "sex crimes" arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is not what MNM is portraying it to be. And while Major News Media propaganda wants you to think he is a rapist, it turns out, the arrest warrant was for violating an obscure Swedish law against having sex without a condom. James D. Catlin, a former attorney for Julian Assange has confirmed that the charges are for having consensual sex without using a condom. The consent of both women to have sex with Assange has been confirmed by prosecutors. Claes Borgstrom of the Stockholm law firm Borgstrom and Bostrom, who is representing two women who said they had sexual relationships with Assange, said his clients complained to the police of Assange's reluctance to use condoms and unwillingness to be tested for sexually transmitted disease. The prosecutor reviewing the case said the investigation into the rape charge was officially closed. But the investigation into allegations of "molestation" is still continuing. As part of this investigation, an official spokeswoman said, Swedish authorities will now seek to conduct an official interrogation of Assange. The principal concern for the women about Assange’s behavior related to his lack of interest in using condoms and his refusal to undergo testing, at the women’s request, for sexually transmitted diseases. Pretty soon, just to have sex, every single person will have to register for a license that proves they are STD free.
