Thursday, December 02, 2010

GOP's Political Theatre

GOP's Political Theatre
In a mock vote, to put more money in their pockets from campaign contributions, GOP lawmakers have voted to extend tax cuts for the rich. Although, tax cuts for the rich have never helped the economy and never, ever, create jobs because the rich do nothing but sit on the money instead of expanding their business. Like their doing with their current cash reserves. There too afraid to create jobs becasue they don't want the competition for their industry. And to top it all off, Obama is to hostile for corporations or individuals to hire and invest. They have no idea how health care reform is going to effect them. Any economist will tell you that keeping these tax cuts for the rich only hurts the U. S. economy in the long run. And you can see that the GOP plans wholehearted, to vote, to keep the tax cuts for the rich. Haven't they learned their lessen yet? How many more need to get fired to set an example. And I hate to admit it, but, the Tea Party is nothing more then a corporate cog in the wheel of the GOP and they are not performing their job that they intended to do from the start by backing people like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman.