Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ron Paul: Obama is a NWO Dictator

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is trying to warns us of "too much dictatorship in Washington D.C."

"We're not on the verge of having a king, but we are on the verge of having way too much dictatorship in Washington, D.C."

Paul said, comparing the U.S.'s current situation to a Biblical tale in which the ancient Israelites demanded, against their own good, that a king rule their land instead of God.

Ron Paul,  faces an uphill battle as many Americans consider his positions to be on the far fringe of the right-wing. Paul, however, noted that he had recently observed a seismic shift in American politics.

"The mainstream is changing," said Paul. "The mainstream wants balanced budgets, sound government and personal liberties --- that is mainstream.”

"The shift is in our direction --- obeying the Constitution for a change," he said.

Read the original blog here: