Monday, November 22, 2010

TSA: Your Guilty Untill You Prove Your Innocent


Where is the Constitutional Court when you need them? The U. S. government is blatantly disregarding the the Fourth Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. The Fourth Amendment sets forth the minimum amount of protection that both the state and federal government must provide against searches and seizures. Warrant-less search and seizure's are the current methods used by law enforcement to investigate crimes and track down criminals, or question witnesses, and arrest suspects. Most white collar criminals, nowadays, are caught in stings used to entice. Instead of actually tracking the bad guys down, their going out and grabbing whoever they can find and saying look, we have a bad guy right here, which amounts to lazy policing and lazy detective work. Most white collar criminals are being set up by the FBI. Under Due Process and EQUAL PROTECTION Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment, the U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that states may provide their citizens with more protection against warrant-less searches and seizures but not less. THE FBI are currently using these tactics to ensnare greedy politicians that make the ultimate decisions about were tax money, states receive, is spent or what is built and what is not built. I'm not sure exactly what schemes greedy politicians come up with because I do not have that mindset. But some states do have ethics, you can't even buy your local politician a cup of coffee, and I'm sure that's were most of them get caught or set up by the FBI. The other tactics most police detectives or FBI agents use involve the suspect actually admitting to crimes they did not do, but in some cases criminals open there mouth and said something in public they should not have, like the pro baseball player, Jose Canseco, who admitted to using performance enhancing drugs. Which is not allowed by MLB players. Steroids by them-self can be obtained from any pharmacist, in the U. S. with a valid prescription from your doctor, but then again, so can cocaine or heroin...