Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ron Paul: Yoo! FED.. Here I Come!

Have you ever heard of the monetary policy subcommittee? It’s a subdivision of the House Financial Services Committee that has mostly occupied itself with pressing questions of issuing commemorative coins and whether or not to eliminate the penny. That’s about to change. Ron Paul is the ranking member of the monetary policy subcommittee and when the next Congress takes over he’ll likely be the chairman of the subcommittee.

"I will approach (the monetary policy subcommittee) like no one has ever approached it because we’re living in times like no one has ever seen." Paul said in an interview. "I will open the books up to the American people." "We need to create transparency there. To see what it is they are buying and lending, and who it is they are dealing with," Dr.Paul said.

Dr. Paul also mentioned that he hoped to use subcommittee hearings to educate the public about the causes of business cycles—which he believes are mainly attributable to monetary manipulation by central bankers.