Sunday, November 14, 2010

Father of Missing Girl Arrested; Used Chainsaw on Body

Investigators recovered enough physical evidence to confirm that they have found the remains of Zahra Clare Baker, a disabled girl reported missing last month.

"It is with great regret I stand before you today," Hickory Police Chief said. "I have been dreading this moment from early on in this investigation. ... We have recovered enough physical evidence to believe we have found Zahra."

DNA taken from the girls home matched DNA retrieved from a bone that was found. The bone was found near the same area where the girl's prosthetic leg was found. Adkins also confirmed that human skeletal remains, believed to belong to a child, were found. Positive identification on the remains is pending, Adkins said. The case is still developing and that investigators are still piecing together what happened. Zahra's father, Adam Baker, told police he last saw his daughter sleeping in her bed at about 2:30 a.m. on Oct. 9. During the investigation, specially trained dogs detected the scent of human remains on property belonging to Adam Baker and his wife, Elisa Baker. Dogs also detected similar scents on property that belongs to a tree services company, that recently employed Adam Baker for about six months. Authorities arrested Adam Baker on charges unrelated to his daughter's disappearance. He faces one count of assault with a deadly weapon, one count of failure to return rental property, two counts of communicating threats and five counts of writing worthless checks. (*I'm not sure it it was a chainsaw or a wood chipper)

Read the original story on AOL