Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bomb Factory Discovered in San Diego Suburb

You don't have to be a terrorist to live in this country and be pissed off enough to want to blow someone or something to bits. This guy is a loon, or he works for the CIA to make bombs that look like a terrorist designed them.. He probably is just a mad bomber, much like the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski. And yet again, it takes his own stupidity, for the incompetent federal authorities to find out about it. Where the hell did he get these explosive compounds/materials from? It's not like their is a local 'bomb-mart' on every corner. This guy looks more like an old coot with too much time on his hands with no links to Al-Qaeda, but what the news reports and wants you to assume, just becasue they report the names of the terrorist groups in with it..


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