Thursday, October 07, 2010

Tell Me Something, Are You Mad Yet?

Are you mad at Wall Street Pay and bonuses?
Then why vote for the party that also gives them tax breaks?

Are you mad at Wall Street greed?
Then why vote for the party that wants to give them social security?

Are you mad at the federal debt?
Then why vote for the party that created it?

Are you mad at health care reform?
Then why vote for the party that stifled it?

Are you mad at Congress?
Then why vote for the party of NO?

Are you mad at illegal immigration?
Then why vote for the party that obstructs immigration reform?

Are you mad at unemployment?
Then why vote for the party that punishes the jobless?

Are you mad at Socialism?
Then why vote for the party that funds corporate welfare?

Are you mad at the direction that America is going?
Then why vote for the party that filibusters recovery?

It’s time to break the conservative choke hold on America