Friday, October 15, 2010

It's Time to Kick'em in the Ass

American bureaucrats do not care about what Americans want. Republicans and democrats use fear to get into office and enforce their totalitarian agendas for the new world order. Most politicians are rogues that represent kings, bankers, and tyrants that helped get them elected. They do not represent voters that elected them. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. American government did not create democracy. It just coined it. In the name of Absolute Oligarchy. In some states it does not even matter which president you vote for thanks to the wonders of the Electoral College. The US governemnt does not have a good track record for anything. If government tries to enact anything you should go against it. Do the exact opposite. Vote against them. Don't let career bureaucrats stay in politics for long terms. You are the voter. You can hire and fire your politicians at will. In real life if you screw up on a job, you get canned, no questions asked. Politicians always have some kind of agenda or scheme for making themselves rich and in the end that's all most politicians care about. Our founding fathers are turning over in their grave from sheer disgust.