Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Al Qaeda Beheads Catholic Priest in Syria

"Unfortunately Syria has now become a battleground not only between Syrian forces, but also between Arab countries and the international community."
What part of these people being Al Qaeda doesn't everyone get? And yet McCain is still in office. What part of them being in league with the U.S. Gov't don't people understand? They let Al Qaeda into the country and they paid them to fly planes into the twin towers. And now they want to arm them with anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles. But hardly any of you are saying anything about it. Because you're too brainwashed by main stream media who uses the word REBEL instead of their real name, Al Qaeda. Jabhat al-Nusra has been identified as an Islamist terrorist organization by the U.S. government since 2011 while working in collaboration with al-Qaeda in Iraq.