Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where's Robin Hood When You Him?

Your Jewish masters want to take everything you have, including your homes and land. And this has been going down since before you were born. The founding fathers warned us about them but they called them "bankers" and they warned us about the lengths they go to terrorize and steal from the Republic, which is self evident in nowadays events, ergo the Wall Street bailout where they demanded we give them our tax dollars, increasing what we owe them already, or they were gonna crash our economy strait in to the ground, like Michael Moore says here. We were warned and history is repeating itself. The 'Jewish bankers' political demonic ghouls, Democrats and Republicans, are making sure that you and your spawn are their slaves for eternity. They are your rightful Jewish Kings and Queens, you and your family are their slaves and they are coming for the crumbs left on your plate, ergo Social Security and your labor benefits. They own you. They own your land. You are their slaves. Your Jewish masters are everywhere, especially in the most powerful of all places, ergo Hollywood and the main stream media. The real terrorist infiltrated our system a long time ago. They control what intelligence is seen or heard through meticulously placed mossad agents. They own your local Representatives through corporate lobbyist and campaign donations. And they are taking every chance they can to get your rights taken away, no matter how unconstitutional, ergo TSA security scans/searches that don't work because the Republic is not the current threat. They are testing us to see what they can get away with because mass media refuses to wake up and except the truth from fear of loosing their jobs. 911-Was an inside job!