Monday, February 07, 2011

More Than $10 Trillion (US Taxes) Fund Wars for Foreign Countries and Corporate America

The U. S. Military Budget Makes the U. S. Welfare Budget Seem Like Small Potatoes

The budgets are the amount allocated in portion from our National Gross Domestic Product, most commonly know as the "NGDP", to certain areas and Departments of Government, the portions of the budget are applied towards expenditures accrued by the country and it's military as a whole.

But guess what? The U. S. Military are not defending America! The Department of Defense is like the Patriot Act, it only sounds good. They have nothing to do with the actual Defense of America as a whole or protection of the citizens who pay their bills and who they were designed to protect.

The Department of Defense, are off defending foreign countries around the globe to protect foreign and corporate American investments, in these same countries. So if you join the military you are nothing more then a highly trained corporate security guard, and when you get out of the military you know where you need to apply for your next job, as a rent-a-cop.

Every time I turn the radio on in Arizona, I hear the same old Republican Nazi propaganda for dismantling Welfare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Like it's the root of all the problems in America. Just go to and you get to hear all of the Fox News Fascist Nazi Dictators share their logic on this same topic, over and over, and the more people that hear it, the more believe it, cause Fox News talking heads fail to supply actual numbers. Fox News's main proof of evidence, to back up their lies, are the three words "Can you believe?" Just listen to one of them talk and then count how many times you hear them say it.

I'm referring to people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and local Arizona talking heads like Barry Young and Jim Sharpe. So, when you boil it down, Republicans think that poor, old, and disabled citizens are the main problems that are facing America. And they want to strip any hope, they have, of taking care of themselves. Why? So they can play politics down the road and blame Obama! Then they can seem like the false prophets they are, and try to save them, by spending more money.

America does not need any politician to help them out or bring them hope and change. Because in the history of America or the world, it has never happened. Can you name 'one-single' Dictator that was great? Especially any Fascist corporate talking head Dictators? Fascist Corporate Dictator Politicians, do nothing but, get in the way of democratic progress.

Where is All the Waste Really At?

For the 2010 fiscal year, the president's base budget of the Department of Defense rose to $533.8 billion. Adding spending on "overseas contingency operations" brings the sum to $663.8 billion. When the budget was signed into law on October 28, 2009, the final size of the Department of Defense's budget was $680 billion, $16 billion more than President Obama had requested. An additional $37 billion supplemental bill to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan was expected to pass in the spring of 2010, but has been delayed by the House of Representatives after passing the Senate. Defense-related expenditures outside of the Department of Defense constitute between $319 billion and $654 billion in additional spending, bringing the total for defense spending to between $1.01 and $1.35 trillion in fiscal year 2010. The President's budget request for 2010 totals $3.55 trillion. Percentages in parentheses indicate percentage change compared to 2009.

This budget request is broken down by the following expenditures:

- Mandatory spending: $2.009 trillion (-20.1%)
o $695 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security
o $571 billion (−15.2%) – Other mandatory programs
o $453 billion (+6.6%) – Medicare
o $290 billion (+12.0%) – Medicaid
o $164 billion (+18.0%) – Interest on National Debt
o $11 billion (+275%) – Potential disaster costs
o $0 billion (−100%) – Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
o $0 billion (−100%) – Financial stabilization efforts

US receipt and expenditure estimates for fiscal year 2010.

- Discretionary spending: $1.368 trillion (+13.1%)
o $663.7 billion (+12.7%) – Department of Defense (including Overseas Contingency Operations)
o $78.7 billion (−1.7%) – Department of Health and Human Services
o $72.5 billion (+2.8%) – Department of Transportation
o $52.5 billion (+10.3%) – Department of Veterans Affairs
o $51.7 billion (+40.9%) – Department of State and Other International Programs
o $47.5 billion (+18.5%) – Department of Housing and Urban Development
o $46.7 billion (+12.8%) – Department of Education
o $42.7 billion (+1.2%) – Department of Homeland Security
o $26.3 billion (−0.4%) – Department of Energy
o $26.0 billion (+8.8%) – Department of Agriculture
o $23.9 billion (−6.3%) – Department of Justice
o $18.7 billion (+5.1%) – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
o $13.8 billion (+48.4%) – Department of Commerce
o $13.3 billion (+4.7%) – Department of Labor
o $13.3 billion (+4.7%) – Department of the Treasury
o $12.0 billion (+6.2%) – Department of the Interior
o $10.5 billion (+34.6%) – Environmental Protection Agency
o $9.7 billion (+10.2%) – Social Security Administration
o $7.0 billion (+1.4%) – National Science Foundation
o $5.1 billion (−3.8%) – Corps of Engineers
o $5.0 billion (+100%) – National Infrastructure Bank
o $1.1 billion (+22.2%) – Corporation for National and Community Service
o $0.7 billion (0.0%) – Small Business Administration
o $0.6 billion (−14.3%) – General Services Administration
o $19.8 billion (+3.7%) – Other Agencies
o $105 billion – Other

The Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan are not included in the regular budget. Instead they are funded through special appropriations. If the military should not be cut, can you tell me what should be cut?

Congressman Paul discusses upcoming military expenditures, foreign policy and our economy.

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