Saturday, December 11, 2010

I would never vote for a Boehner but I would vote for a Weiner

Once money is taxed it should not be taxed again and since the income tax is illegal, according to the constitution, Representative Weiner's argument is not valid. If you believe that the income tax is valid then Weiner has a valid point. I do believe the government needs something like the income tax, but I would rather have it based off how much you consume, like how Mike Huckabee says, 'We need a consumption tax...' The more 'limited' resources you use the more you get taxed. I consume very little 'limited' resources considering my state has a nuclear power plant (40) miles down the street called Palo Verde. I would only have to pay $20/year in taxes and it would be paid for when I buy what I consume, like a sales tax. We get rid of the IRS and we replace them all with actual accountants because IRS is nothing but big government that is not needed. Just ask Wesley Snipes how his jail cell is working out for him. We wouldn't have to worry about anybody not paying their taxes, you don't hear too many story's about a business not coughing up the sales tax it has collected. The same could be done with a consumption tax.