Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Obama 2nd Term Seems Likely

Democrats are still in control of most states!
According to Rasmussen-reports, where most Republicans get their stats and election result info on all things politics. Democrats are still in the lead when it comes to overall electoral votes. The Senate committee is similar to that of the House of Representatives and is also controlled by the Democrats and this will help give Barack Obama the electoral votes that he needs to get reelected.

Tea Party states with term limits are up for grabs!
If Ron Paul decides to run for President in 2012, most of the electoral college will not cast their votes for him, he won't get elected. Libertarians need to start getting elected to governorships, then maybe we can get Ron Paul's foot in the door for Presidency. Ron Paul won't even win the popular vote until the Tea Party gets bigger or every young person realizes that he is the change that's needed. Democrats are defending 21 states, the Republicans 17. And 17 of these same states will have open seats due to term limits on the incumbents (*they are circled). There will be open seats in other states when the incumbents retire early or get defeated in party primaries due to political trouble.