Thursday, November 11, 2010

Moscow Readies for Nuclear Attack

Russia and China both have massive nuclear bomb shelters. While in America it's every man for himself. Nobody seems to realize that small countries around the world have nuclear capabilities or are striving for it under the false flag of energy. They want nuclear power plants so that they can harvest the radio active material they need from it to create nuclear bombs and dirty bombs. With all the alternative fuel and power sources it makes no sense for small countries to have this type of power. America is starting to look like the loser when it comes to overall readiness for whats coming. Our politicians are doing nothing but selling off the country to the highest bidder. Corporations are an incurable disease. They are a virus in our current system. Much like mafias or cartels. They just carry different names. America is the home of greed, thanks to capitalism, it's every man for himself. When Americans donate money to foreign countries, like Ethiopia, the rich keep the money for themselves. Same thing happens here in the US. Thanks to Republican tax cuts. Politicians are giving our tax money away to major corporations, who give a piece of it to the rich, through wall street stocks and bonds. Wall street is not a ponzi-scheme like most people think, it is welfare for the rich. The US government spends American tax dollars on bullshit we don't need, including strippers, hookers, and parties. The US government is officially, a foreign entity within itself. The US government needs to leave our tax money alone and start making it's own money, not counterfeiting it. Government needs to start earning it's money like citizens are required too. Why should their source of money be any different from ours? Fuck the rich and their wall street welfare.