Sunday, October 10, 2010

Republican senatorial candidate from Ohio plays Nazi dress up

republicans dressed as nazis

Rich Iott, Republican nominee for Congress from Ohio, and a Tea Party favorite, dresses up as a Nazi and participates in World War II re-enactments, a sort of real life role playing game (RLRPG), that he played with a group that calls itself Wiking.

According to a recent interview with, the Atlantic, Iott confirmed his involvement with the group over a number of years. Rich Iott told the Atlantic his interest is purely historical and he is completely fascinated by how a small country like Germany could take on the entire free world, "From a purely historical military point of view, that's incredible," says Rich Iott. However, when historians are asked about the group, they say, "They have a sanitized-romanticized view of what occurred." Re-enactments like the ones that Rich Iott participate in, are illegal in Germany and Austria. "If you were to put a SS uniform on in Germany today, you'd be arrested." Says a history professor at the University of North Carolina.

Watch as FOX News downplays and helps placate this disturbing politician: