Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reno Woman OFFICIALLY has the Biggest Pussy

Upon seeing her cat, Stewie, everyone told Robin Hendrickson of Reno, "Wow, what a long cat!" She started thinking they were on to something, so she contacted Guinness World Records. Last week, the international settler of bar bets sent Hendrickson a certificate proclaiming the 5-year-old Maine Coon is the world's longest domestic cat. In July 2008, Stewie's first official measurement was 47 inches, and he was beat out by a cat named Verisimo Leonetti Reserve Red, aka Leo. (Stewie's full name is Mymains Stewart Gilligan.) "At that time, Stewie was still growing," Hendrickson said. He was measured again in August by veterinarian Judy Byarlay, when he'd reached 48.5 inches from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. Of Stewie's future as a potential celebrity, Hendrickson said, "First and foremost, if Stewie doesn't want to do something, we will not make him. We hope that Stewie can bring joy to others like he has brought to us. "He really likes people, especially kids. We hope that maybe Stewie can visit classrooms to help awareness of animal welfare. We also would hope that he continues to be the great guy he is. But it wouldn't hurt to see his picture on a bag of cat food. Or maybe sponsorships to cat shows. I think it would be great if Stewie was known worldwide. Mostly though, I hope he makes people smile."

Found on: The RENO-GAZETTE Journal