Sunday, June 30, 2013

Time to wake up!

Are you just another voter who doesn't know what Democracy is?

Democracy is based upon the principles of "social" equality. Republican clowns like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly are demonizing Democracy by pointing their finger at Socialism and blaming it for whats wrong with America. The real problem with America is within the political system itself, it is a cancer, known as career politicians. And they are playing games with voters who do not realize it.

Is there hope for the voter?

You need to wake up and look at the big picture and their might be some hope. Quit listening to main stream media and start firing the career politicians. Republican or Democrat, they are both wings from the same bald eagle, and they do not care about you. If you truly believe in small government stop praising and stop idolizing big government narcissistic fascist globalist zionist that keep big corporations from paying their fair share of taxes and stop corporations from receiving blank check subsidies..

Bring the power back to the people!

The "battle" between democrats and republicans is a farce, it's a puppet show. We need to end the corporate strangle hold over Washington D.C. once and for all through a violent revolution.

Both parties love to pass laws that take away our freedoms and liberties.

Do your own homework and find out the truth, don't let someone lead you around by your collar, you are not a peasant.