Thursday, April 21, 2011

In-flight Stampede Flips Jet; Crash Kills Passengers

This might sound like a sequel to that 'Too Many God Dam Snakes on a Plane' movie but unfortunately this one is real. In Africa, (19-people) died after their plane crashed in the Democratic Republic of Congo. After they heard their was a crocodile loose on the plane, all (19) passengers decided to run, at the same time the stewardess did, to the front of the cockpit of the plane to tell the pilot about the crock. The crocodile, which was secretly hidden in a passenger sports bag, managed to escape resulting in the stampede of terrified passengers. The stampede caused the small aircraft to lose balance and tip over in mid-air. The unbalanced load caused the aircraft, on a routine flight from the capital, Kinshasa, to the regional airport at Bandundu, to go into a spin and crash into a house. Only one person on the Czech-made Let L-410 Turbojet survived to tell the story. The crocodile also survived the crash but was later killed with a machete by rescuers sifting through the wreckage.