Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Frozen Throne of Class Warfare

When I purchased "The Frozen Throne" I knew it was a game that would eventually grow on me. I started out playing it once or twice every few days. And then, the addiction for the MMORTS grew so fast that I could not control it and eventually I was playing it everyday, sometimes (24) hours strait. Currently, I do not play the game. But, when I was playing the game I was in debt up to my ears and now that I am sober I actually have money in a bank account earned from services I offer online, and no, I'm not rich. But at-least my personal money situation is in positive status.

I grew up in 'what I thought' was at-least a middle class family, but it turns out that we were actually part of a lower income bracket. We never collected welfare because my father grossed to much money annually. $65,000+ is what he made yearly, that's before income taxes, his 401k, health insurance, and what he pays into Social-Security. When he retires though he will be making somewhere around $8,000 per month because of all the investing he did into his retirement and corporate stock that he purchases.

The gap between the rich and the poor is getting worse. My Father is a Technician for Palo-Verde Nuclear Generation Station. Which is partly owned by APS (Arizona Public Services) and a Capital Corporation called Pinnacle West. You know the type of corporation that pays their CEO over $30,000 per day for doing nothing but sitting back and being a puppet to blame if the company goes belly-up from lack of finances. Which will never happen cause everyone needs electricity.

Does anyone besides me see whats wrong with that picture? Why does a CEO get to make so much more money then a lowly Technician, who is raising a family of five kids and who helps keep the Nuclear Power Plant from actually melting down? That is Capitalism? I don't think so. It's seems to me more like a con-game. It's greed. Republican corporations like Pinnacle West are taking huge advantage of their slaves from lack of available jobs. And in some cases, making tons of profit and still laying-off workers they don't need from lack of growth they thought was right down the road. Capitalism is greed?

I thought Capitalism was about free markets and the option for the consumer to pick a product and use it's service because you trust it or better yet prefer it. Capitalism gives you the ability to compete with other business without fear of repercussions. Corporations are not allowed to monopolize industries, like you see happening with Google Search Engine and Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, even though we have the option to use the Linux-OS, the amount of software available for Windows completely blows Linux out of the water in shear comparison by numbers even though Linux is faster. And even though Yahoo and Bing are taking back huge portions of markets, Google will eventually be used by most of the people that grow accustomed to searching for stuff online because you can find just about anything using Google compared to Yahoo or Bing, who are manually limiting and manually censoring what you find when you search using their engines.