Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Escalating Threat of Copyright Laws on Freedom of Speech

Intellectual Property is a fraudulent and violent notion to begin with that can only be enforced at the end of a gun barrel by the government. There's no such thing as "piracy of intellectual property" in reality - that is a purely fictional construct created for the sole purpose of maintaining fascist, authoritarian control over the proletariat. Current law makes it unclear whether streaming copyrighted works is subject to felony penalties, meaning prison time, because the penalty is "predicated" on the defendant either illegally reproducing or distributing the copyrighted work. The question lies in the legal definition of "distribution" as streaming isn't the transfer of complete files. The MPAA, an organization that represents multi-billion dollar corporations, is working on something that is billed as the "escalating" threat. This is nothing but their Trojan Horse and the main target is The First Amendment. The Rich Elite want to stop blogers and documenters from telling the truth about their propaganda. Without the ability to stream copyrighted video into their own video streams through whats known as Fair Use. Fair Use is part of copyright law and it says that copyrighted materials may be used for educational purposes without paying one dime for a license.