Friday, April 22, 2011

The Slave Instinct

All animals, mammals, and insects are born with instincts. These instincts are learned over time and passed down from generation to generation. And thanks to domestication, animals tend to lose their natural instinct over time and gain artificial ones. Take dogs for instance. Without love or kindness from humans they would be just as wild as their counter parts, wolves or coyotes. If you take a wolf or coyote out of the wild you can't expect it to act like your other dogs, even if you raised it from a puppy. Instincts, like the need to kill it's food, are still buried deep inside and the only way you can get the animal to change it's way and quit attacking the other dogs or animals is corporal punishment; or death. And at this point your actually training the dog to develop a new instinct. Humans are no different. We as a species don't realize that were being domesticated and groomed by our slave masters, corporate elites and government bureaucrats. We have been brainwashed by oppression and propaganda into believing we need them to survive. Although most people don't realize that it's them that need us. Without the republic, corporate elites can't feed themselves or take care of their young. Much like the species of ant, known as Formica sanguinea of Europe, that raid the nests of other ants and carry off the pupae in order to provide workers for their own colony. These Slave Master Ants can't survive and end up starving if they are separated from their caretakers. Together they form a forced symbiosis. And the same would happen to corporate elites if we just separate ourselves from them. Our slave masters would just die off, one by one.